We are revamping our website. I would like us all to consider and forward to me your thoughts and ideas. I would like a message or a...
Reminder for class changes
Good morning all, Just a quick reminder about the changes to class times on a Sunday. Class now starts at 2pm. 2pm - 3pm = Juniors 3pm -...
Cardiff North Taekwon Do School is now extending their classes again to the benefit of all students. This is entirely to continue the...

With sorrow.
Good afternoon all. I'm sure you can join us all along with thr nation in the mourning of Queen Elizabeth II. With her funeral now a bank...
Big year again for us all
Good afternoon all, Lots of big competitions coming up this year. Please check the website below for dates and if you can make them. ...

I have great pleasure to announce that Cardiff North Taekwon Do School have 3 new 2nd Dan Black Belts. We also have to announce that Mr...
Sunday Sunday Sunday!!!
Can I say a massive thank you again to all of you for your hard work and in particular your incredible effort last night. Your hard work...
A special Sunday
Good evening all, I hope you are all well and I can't wait to see you all tomorrow. I would like to thank everyone for their support and...
No Resting!!
It may be half term but we are still running class tonight at 6pm @CMCSportsSocial club. Everyone is welcome

With Sadness and Sorrow
It is with shock and sorrow that we have received the sad news of the demise of Grand Master Park Jong Soo(18th Jul.1941-27th Nov.2021),...