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Here are some of our students and what they think of Taekwon-Do.

James Morgan

I Like Taekwon-Do as it makes me a stronger better person. I also like Taekwon-Do because it's good to socialize with people I would not meet naturally.

Everyone is so friendly.

Evie Morgan


I like Taekwon-Do because it makes me healthier, fitter, and more disciplined. Everyone there is so friendly and we all help each other.

Will Gerrish


I love Taekwon-Do because I’ve met new friends and we get to go to Timberhill on the Taekwon-Do holiday.

I love the fact I can defend myself and I’m getting stronger

I like my club because Mr. Johns is the best instructor and always helps and encourages me when I need it.
All the black belts are brilliant too.

I love that I’m a higher belt level than my mum!

Jane Gerrish

I like Taekwon-Do as it has been a great activity to enjoy with my family. My fitness has massively improved and it's fantastic to be a part of a great team.

The school is really welcoming and everyone helps everyone in a family environment with lots of support.

It has given me the confidence to use appropriate self-defense which as a female is a great skill to have.

Jacob Biggs

Taekwon-Do is a huge part of my family as my dad does it and I find it a great way to learn to defend myself.

I enjoy learning new things from the higher belts and our junior classes are good fun and make me fitter.

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