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Dear all

As a result of the direction of the Prime minister yesterday the Heath Sports and Social Club have taken the decision and will be closed for the next 2 weeks, as a result I am left with no option but to cancel this week's lessons.

As mentioned this week, the British Taekwon-Do Council will be delivering their own direction imminently.

To date there is no reason not to train as a school as long as the WHO, DfE and Public Health safeguarding is in place.

Do not attend any class if you are unwell, adhere to the isolation guidelines for you and your family.

Please refer to the NHS website for further details...

I will ensure all safeguarding is in place should we be in a position to train in the near future.

I will be providing alternative training for those who will be grading soon. I will forward those details for those who wish to attend as soon as I can.

Where equipment is used they will be sanitized, hand cleansing facilities will be available at all times should we be in a position to train.

I am in the process of developing alternative training for all in the meantime.

This is unprecedented times, in 35 + years of training I have never experienced anything like this. As a result Cardiff North will act with all Integrity and perseverance, stepping up to the mark as is required.

Please stay safe take care of each other and your families.

Keep close attention to FB.

I will be I touch very soon. Thank you.

Yours in Taekwon-Do

Mr Johns V


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