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ITF Welsh open

I would like to say.... wow .... and yet again you have made me proud. This was an opportunity for some to gain experience and enjoy. You have all done incredibly well. The medal list is endless what is even more impressive is how you all again were an example of what Cardiff North Taekwon Do School is for and about. Thank you all especially proud of the conduct of our umpires for your contribution. You should all be very proud of your fantastic effort. Please bring with you your medals for photos on Wednesday and Sunday. Again thank you. Medal list to follow...... Mr Johns V. 

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  • I've done Taekwon-Do before. Do I need to start from white belt again?
    As long as you previously trained at an association under the International Taekwon-Do Federation, you will not need to start from white belt again. You'll need to bring your certificate, and of course your belt!
  • How much does it cost?
    The cost can be tailored to you, depending on how many people in your family want to train, the ages of the students, and how often you wish to train each month. As a guide, the average cost is around £25 per student per calendar month.
  • What age do I need to be?
    Usually we advise that the youngest age for students to start is 5 years of age. However, children could start at a slightly younger age, depending on the personality of the child. We have no upper age limit for accepting students.
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